Taking Life for Granted


This is a story about why we should never take life for granted. It starts with a near-death experience I had in 2009. I don't remember it, of course, but my parents have told me the story many times, and this incident taught me a valuable lesson about the fragility of life.

 It was only 20 days after my birth when a small toy, the kind that used to come in chips packets, went into my mouth accidentally. When my parents saw it, they tried to take it out, but in the process, it went into my food pipe. I was lucky that it did not go into my windpipe or else I would not be alive. Luckily, after a small operation, the toy came out, but it made me sensitive and weak.

It was only the beginning of my journey towards realizing the importance of cherishing every moment. Fast forward to 2017, my great grandfather passed away, and we were attending his funeral. It was a sad day for our family, and we were all grieving. However, during the funeral, something unexpected happened. I suddenly started coughing and gasping for air, and I felt like I couldn't breathe properly. At first, I tried to ignore it, thinking it was just a minor issue. However, as the day progressed, my health became worse, and I started feeling weak and dizzy.

Despite my family's efforts to comfort me, I started losing hope and willpower. Eventually, I had to be rushed to the hospital, where I was admitted for a few days. It turned out that I had developed a severe smoke allergy, and being around the smoke from the funeral pyre had triggered a reaction in my body. The allergy was so severe that I was unable to breathe properly, and I needed medical attention.

It was a scary experience, and I felt helpless as I struggled to breathe. The allergy was so bad that I even missed an important exam and my primary school farewell. The incident stayed with me for at least three years, and it made me realize just how fragile life can be.

Unfortunately, in 2021, my worst fears came true. I came in contact with smoke again, and the allergy was triggered once more. This time, it led to a serious case of typhoid, which made me even weaker. It was then that I realized how important life is.

The incident with the toy and the allergies have taught me a valuable lesson - that life is fragile, and we must cherish every moment. We must appreciate the people and things that make our lives worth living, and make the most of every opportunity that comes our way.

This story is a reminder that life is precious, and we must not take it for granted. We never know what the future holds, and every moment is a gift. Let us cherish every moment, and never forget the fragility of life.


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