The Evil


Present day: A boy named Raj came to sit in a group, while all the boys were talking immediately stopped as Raj came.

Actually, first let's know who Raj is. From childhood, Raj was a quiet and introverted boy, often seen but rarely heard. As he grew up, he was bullied, yet he never spoke out.

6 months ago, during a lunch break at school, few boys were bullying Raj again, it was when one of them kicked him harshly on Raj's private part. Raj's cries were loud and full of agony, but instead of receiving support, Raj was met with indifference. The boy who had kicked him was not punished, and his classmates seemed to have no care about his suffering. This brutal event ignited something inside Raj. He was determined to change his life, to become someone who would not be pushed around. That night, he laid in bed in immense pain. In middle of night he woke up, Raj was full of frustration and found himself scratching his arms and feeling a powerful surge of anger. It was in this moment of pain that he made a decision: he would emerge from his shell and become an extrovert. From that day on, Raj started to reach out, trying to make friends and become more socially active.

On the present day: As he sat with the group, a boy taunts Raj by calling him “gay”. Raj didn’t like this useless taunt, he argued, this led to a physical fight, Raj wasn’t hurt by any punch or slap from the boy, but he was hurt seeing his so-called friends not supporting him. The boy said that Raj’s habit of sticking, shows he is gay. When Raj came back home, he realized that he doesn’t need friends like this and also, he won’t make any friends too. He cut his finger, marking a painful but important memory—a vow to never fully trust others. This event left him with a deep trauma, but it also made him stronger and more resilient.

Four years later, on Raj’s first day at college, His seniors tried to bully him, but Raj was ready. When one of the seniors poked him with an abuse, Raj reacted without hesitation. He punched the senior hard in the face, without thinking of any support. Returning home, Raj looked at his room’s wall, the boy who called him ‘gay’, his picture was hung with a flower garland. The boy’s death, which everyone had believed to be an accident as he fell 4 years ago from the school building, was actually not an accident at all. Raj had been the one who had pushed him from the school building.

Seeing the picture brought a chilling realization. Raj’s inner evil, long buried beneath layers of pain and anger, began to emerge once more. The picture, once a symbol of his unresolved trauma, now mirrored the darkness that had always been a part of him. Raj faced the truth of his actions and the haunting realization that his quest for revenge had led him down a dark path.



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