At ten years old, he picked up a pen.

A passion for art, that would never end.

He poured his heart out, for all to see.

But views were few, and hope felt like a distant dream.


But he never gave up, he kept on striving.

For three long years, he kept on drawing.

His parents saw his talent, and invested all they could.

Now his art's getting noticed, and his dreams are coming true.


He drew and drew, and never lost faith.

Though the road was tough, and the journey was great.

With love and support, from friends and fans.

He worked even harder, to reach out to more hands.


But he never gave up, he kept on striving.

For three long years, he kept on drawing.

His parents saw his talent, and invested all they could.

Now his art's getting noticed, and his dreams are coming true.


He gifted his art, to youtubers and stars.

A grateful heart, for all their support.

He built a studio, and bought a new cam.

A new beginning, for this young artist, no longer a sham.


But he never gave up, he kept on striving.

For three long years, he kept on drawing.

His parents saw his talent, and invested all they could.

Now his art's getting noticed, and his dreams are coming true.


He's still an under rated artist, but his journey's just begun.

He'll keep on drawing, till his name is known by everyone.

For this 14 year old boy, the sky's the limit, he'll soar high.

And all those who supported him, will forever be by his side.


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