
The Evil

  Present day: A boy named Raj came to sit in a group, while all the boys were talking immediately stopped as Raj came. Actually, first let's know who Raj is. From childhood, Raj was a quiet and introverted boy, often seen but rarely heard. As he grew up, he was bullied, yet he never spoke out. 6 months ago, during a lunch break at school, few boys were bullying Raj again, it was when one of them kicked him harshly on Raj's private part. Raj's cries were loud and full of agony, but instead of receiving support, Raj was met with indifference. The boy who had kicked him was not punished, and his classmates seemed to have no care about his suffering. This brutal event ignited something inside Raj. He was determined to change his life, to become someone who would not be pushed around. That night, he laid in bed in immense pain. In middle of night he woke up, Raj was full of frustration and found himself scratching his arms and feeling a powerful surge of anger. It was in th


  This is an poetry that is rhyming in each line. These kind of poetry are really rare and difficult. But here you go!   Words are mine, But you will understand every line, I always give you sign, It didn't work, fine! But I will make you mine, Because I want you to shine, Feels like vine, Bitter but addictive in every kind, I will stand by you, like the tree pine, Just too strong and fine! I will ask you again, it's the time, Will you be mine? These are my words of rhyme!  

Looking into my friend's diary

  30 December,2023 Today is the last day of the school in the year 2023, my bus friend comes to me and gives my female friend’s diary. My female friend is my friend since a year, she is my seat partner, we have been good friends since 10 months. We both know eachother’s secrets, but she never gave her diary till date but finally I got her diary today. I can’t stop myself to read her diary. Here is a poetry from her diary. Although it is a free style poetry but I made the rhyme scheme, and there is no title but after reading the poem, I think title should be – THE DEVIL LOVER   The blood is all over the place, The pressure in his eyes flowing with race, There is nowhere in the world he can be, He is in your heart, you see? Ask him, he will tell no lie, He want to enjoy watching you die, The excitement is visible as he goes over the top, Hacking your body, he doesn’t want to stop, You feel the energy as it drains, He tickles your veins, Now the fun is over

They are going...

  Today I want to share something that stayed in my heart. I do have a lot of friends today! But, are they really my friends that would stay along with me throughout the life? 2024 has started few days ago, 10 th class is going from this school. Maybe I will be lonely tomorrow! Actually, I don’t have an idol best friend like shown online, funny right? Or maybe sad! ‘I must be an introvert who is unable to make friends?’ No. Let me start from beginning. When I was really small, I was not so outspoken, basically an introvert, shy from inside but in class I was really mischievous, obviously a 4 year old is mischievous – what’s special ? I think friends make someone naughty, if I didn’t have friend, I would have been shier. I had a group of friends, they were my best friends but however now the case is different. As we grew up, we lost the friendship, till date I have one of them – my bestfriend but the thing is till date I have not shared most of my secrets with him, our friendship w

Being Introvert

  Growing up, I had always struggled with communication due to my introverted nature. In school, I found it hard to participate in group activities and make friends, which left me feeling lonely and isolated. But I was determined to overcome my shyness and build my confidence. At the age of 7, I began participating in after-school clubs and sports teams, which helped me gradually come out of my shell and discover my talents in art and skating. As I grew into my teenage years, I found a passion for creating content on YouTube. Despite being introverted, I started my own channel and expressed myself through videos. Although I was nervous at first, my confidence grew as I engaged with my audience and created innovative content. However, I faced a new challenge when I was asked to speak in front of a large audience with a microphone. I felt nervous and scared, but I knew that it was an opportunity to push myself even further. With courage, I delivered a powerful speech that inspire

A Gift Of God

This is a short incident of a young and talented artist known as Artistic Human. He had always been praised for his exceptional abilities, but this short note is about his perspective. From a young age, Artistic Human had shown a natural aptitude for painting and drawing, and his parents had encouraged him to pursue his talent. However, it wasn't until he was a young adult that he truly appreciated the true value of his gift and truly understood its actual meaning. When Artistic Human was just three years old, a terrible incident occurred that would forever alter his life. His right hand middle finger was caught in a gate and was severed. Despite undergoing several surgeries to save his finger, he was left with a scar and a slight deformity. As a child, he was self-conscious about his finger and attempted to hide it from others As he grew older and began to explore his artistic talent, also he began to see his experiences in a different light. He realized that if it hadn't been

Taking Life for Granted

  This is a story about why we should never take life for granted. It starts with a near-death experience I had in 2009. I don't remember it, of course, but my parents have told me the story many times, and this incident taught me a valuable lesson about the fragility of life.   It was only 20 days after my birth when a small toy, the kind that used to come in chips packets, went into my mouth accidentally. When my parents saw it, they tried to take it out, but in the process, it went into my food pipe. I was lucky that it did not go into my windpipe or else I would not be alive. Luckily, after a small operation, the toy came out, but it made me sensitive and weak. It was only the beginning of my journey towards realizing the importance of cherishing every moment. Fast forward to 2017, my great grandfather passed away, and we were attending his funeral. It was a sad day for our family, and we were all grieving. However, during the funeral, something unexpected happened. I sud